Project Life

January 2, 2012
Well, here we are, off to the starting line for Project Life. I have been sick -seriously so. This starts the 3rd WEEK of it. Appartently, I have a new Christmas Tradition - to be sick as a dog for it.

So on this glorious (COLD) day, -

(it's 40 degrees here but since I'm Southern and used to 100+ degrees in the Summer, 40 might as well be a blizzard, with wind. Lots of wind. Tornado Alley Wind. Did i mention I'm sick? With chills, coughing and hacking and stuff?)  

- What do you think NORMAL spouses that are BOTH sick would do on day that no one has to work?? Snuggle on the couch while staring at mind numbing television enjoying a medicated daze? Passing each other kleenix's?  Yes you guessed it... build a trampoline!

December 18,2011

Its not the "New" Year. Heck its not even the "New me". But I'm thinking... though most would say plotting, not for world domination -who has time for that?- but planning. For what? well, I'll tell you, to kick my own @ss into gear. And lemme tell ya, that whole one-legged-man-in-an-ass-kicking-contest is fixin to get some competition. I'm aiming for Honarable Mention here people.

So, goals...Gah, I hate goals. I hate feeling like I have this whole ax full of "projects" hanging over my head. I seriously HATE watching it fall on my head, come December 31st. What with it, knocking me out cold and leaving a huge "L" imprinted on my forehead, marked and branded for the next year. But I digress.

So, marking down my hopes and dreams for the coming year...
1) I will not be a quitter. Doesn't matter what so-called part of PROJECT-ME I'm working on, I will not quit.
2) That's all I got....

What would I would like to do this year? This is actually harder to think about than you realize. I have been married almost 20 years, and have 2, wonderful kids, most of the time. As my hubby says, When they're asleep :) No, actually my kids are great. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom, for now. Though if gas keeps going up that may have to change. Being a wife, a mom, is the most wonderful thing in the world. But aside from that... Who am I?  What do "I" want?

I want to be a better person for them. No, I need to be a better person to them. This screaming crazy lady that is locked up in my imaginary attic in my head, well she has got to go. Cuz sometimes shes picks the locks  and thats never a good thing.

So on to PROJECT -ME
1. I need to "fix" the 2 books I wrote. Then we'll start on whether I should pursue this writing thing any further.
2. I need to lose weight. Not in the whole I want to look good and lose weight but in a sound medical way need to lose weight. I need to get healthy.
3.I'm sure the list we'll get alot longer later. I have plently of issues locked up, keeping company with the attic lady :)
December 17,2011

I saw several authors posting about this. "Project Life". Basically it is journaling and scapbooking mixed together and posting your results online. Sounds interesting but time consuming. I love to scrapbook, both my late mom and step mother are way into it...Mom's my fault, I started it ;)

But really I don't have that kind of time. Ok I do, but I need to dp something "constructive" with it.
I have seriously been thinking about doing a journal because my real life is kinda crazy. Mostly in a good kinda way, but not always :)

So to bottom line it - I like the idea of "Project Life" but think I can tweak it into a daily... nah, weekly blog. We'll see.